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Positioning and Messaging for Your Property Management Business

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One of the most fundamental concepts we all learn in being able to speak about our company is the "elevator pitch." This is also called a value proposition, unique selling proposition (USB), or positioning statement. Correctly done, it will ring true in everything you do, say, and communicate about your company. If it is poorly done, it is nothing more than lip service to the audience you are addressing, then.

Our lead consultant and company president, Bob Preston, recently spoke with Stephen Fox of Upkeep Media about the importance of putting a stake in the ground and driving that message home through all forms of online presence. Listen in on this awesome video as bob uncovers some invaluable insights and strategies that propelled Bob's property management career and the pivotal moments that led to the establishment of his own property management company. Bob's story focuses on the determination and strategic thinking in the property management industry. 

Would you like to hear more and connect with Bob on critical aspects of market positioning? An in-depth coaching session or messaging meeting with your team can help you hone in on your position and message, including:

Target Audience: Identify the specific group of consumers or businesses you want to reach. Understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what differentiates your product or service from competitors. This can be a unique feature, quality, price, or any other aspect that provides value to customers.

Brand Identity: Develop a brand image and personality that resonates with your target audience. This includes elements like logo, color scheme, and brand messaging.

Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand your competition, market trends, and customer perceptions. This data helps in fine-tuning your positioning strategy.

Positioning Statement: Craft a clear and concise positioning statement communicating your unique value proposition. This statement should explain why your product or service is the best choice for your target audience.

Competitive Analysis: Analyze your competitors' positioning to find gaps in the market or areas where you can differentiate your offering effectively.

Communication Strategy: Decide how to communicate your positioning to the target audience. This may include advertising, content marketing, social media, and other marketing channels.

Consistency: Ensure that all aspects of your business, from product quality to customer service, align with your positioning strategy. Consistency is crucial in maintaining trust with customers.

Please contact us today to get too tight company positioning and messaging.
